sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Eliminate most known bacteria and common organisms, including: Bacteria Clostridium botulinum Listeria Shigella Staphylococcus aureu Independent studies on ozone treatment Ozone's power, in a nutshell.

The Process

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 Eliminate most known bacteria and common organisms, including:

Clostridium botulinum
Staphylococcus aureu
Independent studies on ozone treatment

Ozone's power, in a nutshell.
  • Ozone comes in contact with bacteria
  • The ozone releases kinetic energy, destroying the bacterial cell walls
  • Once the cell wall is ruptured, the cytoplasm is dispersed, making bacterial reactivation impossible



Atividade antimicrobiana do óleo ozonizado nos casos de infecção nosocomial. Efeito antimicrobiano do óleo de ozonizado (oleozon) em diferentes espécies bacterianas isoladas, como estafilococos, estreptococos, enterococos, Pseudomonas e Escherichia.

Uma pesquisa realizada pela Universidade José do Rosário Vellano (Unifenas) constatou a atividade antimicrobiana do óleo ozonizado nos casos de infecção nosocomial (IN), infecção contraída pelo paciente que foi internado em decorrência de outra patologia.
Com a finalidade de avaliar o óleo ozonizado como um novo medicamento para a IN, ele foi testado em algumas cepas de microrganismos in vitro.

O óleo ozonizado apresentou atividade antimicrobiana in vitro significativa para as cepas testadas. Por isso sugere-se a utilização dele no tratamento de infecções por microrganismos multirresistentes, como Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Salmonella tiphymurium e Escherichia coli.

Em outra pesquisa, realizada pelo Centro de Oleozon, em Cuba, na qual se avaliou o efeito antimicrobiano do óleo de ozonizado (oleozon) em diferentes espécies bacterianas isoladas, como estafilococos, estreptococos, enterococos, Pseudomonas e Escherichia coli, o óleo de ozonizado mostrou uma valiosa atividade antimicrobiana contra todos os microrganismos testados.

O óleo de ozonizado, por seu poder germicida, é muito utilizado em ginecologia em Cuba. Um estudo feito por pesquisadores da Clínica Central Cira García, de Cuba, com 320 pacientes com micose ou vulvovaginite constatou a eficiência do óleo comparado a medicamentos tradicionais, como nistatina. O óleo foi aplicado diariamente durante sete dias.

O grande problema, porém, para nós brasileiros, é a dificuldade de encontrar o produto.

Clinical Effects of Ozone Therapy Bacteriicidal, Fungicidal, Viricidal, Anti-Paracitic, Inflammatory, Analagesic, Tissue Detoxification, Activation of Energy Production, Optimizing Pro-Oxidative & Anti-Oxidative Systems in the body, Blood Coagulation,

Clinical Effects of Ozone Therapy

  • Bacteriicidal, Fungicidal, Viricidal, and Anti-Paracitic -
  •  Ozone had oxidative effect on the microorganisim membrane which contains lipid bio-layer in it's structure and can damage it.
  • Therapeutic ozone indirectly activates teh non-specific defense system (activates phagocytosis, enhances synthesis of cytokine-interferons, interleukin tumor-necrotic factor) as well as components of cellular and humeral immunity.
  • Causes partial oxidation of virus receptors that make them incapable of binding to the tissue cell.
     2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
  • Ozone oxidized the components containing double bonds in their chemical structure, pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, and its derivatives prostaglandins.
  • Ozone regulates metabolic reactions in the inflamed tissue and resolved pH.   
     3. Analagesic Effect (Pain Reduction)
  • Pain reduction takes place due to oxidation of body proteins, albumin (algopeptides) 
  • Aldopeptides act on nerve endings in the damaged tissue and determine the intensity of pain response
  • They have a tendency to decrease molecular toxic by-products which result of lipid peroxidation on cellular membranes.
     4. Tissue Detoxification
  • Ozone activates metabolic process in the liver kidney tissue, thus insuring their main function of neutralization and elimination of toxic compounds from the body.
     5. Activation of Energy Production
  • Ozone provides oxygen for oxygen-dependant bio-chemical reaction in the  body, aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates, and activation of mitochondria resulting in ATP synthesis (energy production). 
     6. Optimizing Pro-Oxidative & Anti-Oxidative Systems in the body
  • Ozone increases oxidative process causing the compensatory increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes SOD (superoxidismutase), catalase, and glutatioperoxidase which leads to activation of non-enzymatic antioxidant system (glutathione, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, etc.) 8The use of supplemental Glutathione, N-acethylcysteine (NAC), Vit E, Vit C is obligatory when high ozone concentrations are used.* 
     7. Blood Coagulation (clotting)
  • High ozone concentration administered externally increases blood clotting properties. 
  • Low dose intravenous administration decreases thrombocytic and coagulative effects and increases fibrinolytic activity (the break down of fibrin, clot dissolving).
     8. Immune-Modulating Effects
  • Low dose ozone promotes phagocytosis (the engulfing of microorganisms or other cells and foreign particles by phagocytes, part of our white blood cell count) which stimulates activation of our non-specific defense system through specific cytokines (e.g. evaluation of the body temperature, generation of the acute phase peptides in the liver, etc.) 
  • Low dose ozone activates cellular and humeral immunity and facilitates and treatment of secondary immune deficiency. 
     9. Auto-Immune Disease
  • Ozone in high concentration inhibits activity of cytokines and eliminates activation of T-helper cells. This effects used in the management of patients with autoimmunity disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, disseminated sclerosis) without administration of pharmaceutical drugs. 
    10. Anti-Neoplastic (Anticancer) Properties
  • Ozone can kill tumors and enhance the effect of different types of anti-tumor drugs (study done by Baylor University in Texas in 1962) 
  • It stimulates the release of Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha by macrophages.
  • Ozone does not display direct cyto-toxic effect on lignant cells
  • It decreases lactate in the tissue; this can be interpreted as a direct inhibition of tumor metabolism
  • Low dose ozone has proven to increase production of anti-cancer a-interferon.
    11. Enhancement of Circulatory System
  • Ozone increases 2,3-DP6, resulting in the release of oxygen to the tissue, and decreases the binding capacity of hemoglobin
  • Ozone increases oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells
  • Ozone oxidizes plaque in the arteries, unclogging them and decreases clumping of the red blood cells, increasing flexibility of the arteries

    12. Neurodegenerative Disease
  • Patients with neurodegerative disease under going ozone therapy must receive oral antioxidant supplementation 
    13. Degeneration of Petrochemicals
    • These chemicals have potential to place a great burden on the immune system. They also worsen and even cause allergies and are detrimental to long-term health.