terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013


The word we all fear
Whether for ourselves or for our friends and family.
Cancer is now a global killer that has escalated from 1 in 100 deaths 80 years ago to 1 in 3 deaths now.
What has changed so dramatically in the last several decades that could be causing this?
The answer is as simple as the humble, seemingly harmless,
yeast called Candida albicans
With medicine today you would think that cancer would be a problem easily solved, and indeed we and many others believe it could be. 
However the pharmaceutical industry machine is thriving on the billions of dollars it makes from allowing cancer to run riot in our population.
Even worse they then poison us with toxic drugs as a means to kill the cancer, usually ending in the death of the patient anyway!
And, by no coincidence, the death of the patient when the cancer is gone is by candida blood poisoning 100% of the time!
(American Oncology Magazine 1993).
The Pharma Industry is not here to make cures, it wants customers! 
So why develop a simple answer to protecting yourself from cancer!
So what has changed in the last 50 or so years that has made this previously harmless organism Candida a killer?
Lets take a look at what is really going on…

Doctors are pumping us full of antibiotics that kill ALL bacteria including the good flora that control candida growth. 

Our food is laced with antibiotics as a means of keeping meat and dairy supposedly healthy…this then ends in our food supply.

Our diets have become full of sugar, alcohol and junk that candida thrives on and weakens the immune system
The simple truth is that the humble candida albicans fungus has become 
one of the most lethal threats to our health today.
If you don’t believe me, look at the cancer rates in third world countries 
They don’t depend on big pharma and antibiotics, their diets are not laced with antibiotics and chemicals…..
Cancer is virtually non-existent
We are going to show you how this yeast develops into a killer, and just how easily
YOU can stop it before it stops YOU!
We are going to show you how you can protect yourself and your family from the unnecessary suffering and trauma that is faced by the patient and their friends and family by going through the ordeal of cancer.


Does this involve any punishing lifestyle change you ask? 
Is it going to be painful? –No
Ah, I bet it is going to be expensive, right? – No

What’s more, this site will prove this with scientific evidence and references!
Reading through this site will challenge the way we think today about cancer and how doctors and scientists are now challenging the cancer theory we believed to be true….
And it is now time for ideas about cancer to change.

These doctors and scientists are now showing us that we can protect ourselves from cancer by simply eliminating the 
precursor to the illness known as
The Candida Albicans Fungus.



Symptoms of Candida


The Video below descibes Candida and how it is now an
unseen worldwide epidemic. What is Candida from candida away on Vimeo.

Candida Albicans is a fungal yeast that is present naturally in the human gut; everyone has Candida albicans living within them to some extent. Our gut is also full of natural bacteria that feed on the yeast and so keep levels to a low number and stop it from becoming a problem.
The yeast becomes problematic when it grows beyond normal levels and spreads throughout the gastrointestinal tract, into the bloodstream and from there throughout the body. The yeast then does something remarkable and changes into fungus.
This fungus now settles itself into the tissue and a fungal colony quickly spreads. The fungus is protected from the environment as it has now left the gut and does not have the challenge of the gut bacteria trying to consume it. The risk for the Candida fungus is the human immune system. The immune system would normally identify and fight off this fungal intruder without too much effort.

Sadly more and more people suffer from low immune systems due to stress, bad diet or general ill health. This means the immune system is not as strong as it needs to be to fight the Candida fungus colony. The Candida fungus is protected from the immune system attack by its cellular membrane.
This membrane is comprised of a layer formation called chitin. Your own cells when the immune system is strong and healthy fight Candida by producing an enzyme called chitinase which breaks down the yeast cell wall exposing it and making it vulnerable to attack by the body’s immune system. In a system wide infection there is simply too much of the yeast for the body to fight and it is at that point we begin to see symptoms of the yeast infection.
In simple English – imagine the fungus is wearing a suit of armour that your immune system cannot punch through if it is weak.
There are several reasons for Candida to spread and become problematic.
Over the past few decades the diet in the west has changed dramatically. We now consume far more sugar and refined food than we ever have before. Even those of us that have strict diets do succumb to fast food and sugar treats!
Candida thrives on sugar. With a diet high in sugar and refined food it will grow exponentially, it is almost as if our diet in the western world is a super food for the yeast. Items such as sugar, alcohol, chocolate, bread, pasta, coffee, tea, fast food and any refined food all contribute to Candida growth.
Antibiotic Use
No one is disputing the need for antibiotics – they are one of the greatest medical discoveries made and without them we would be in a lot of trouble! However, broad spectrum antibiotic use does have a profound effect on our natural defences against Candida infection.
These antibiotics kill all bacteria, including the good bacteria in our gut that maintain a healthy balanced state.
Without these bacteria the yeast is free to grow and spread within the body.
Immune Compromised system
Our cells naturally produce a substance called chitinase. This enzyme breaks down the protective layer around the yeast and allows our immune system to attack the yeast if it is growing out of control. When an immune system is in a weakened state then it does not have the capability to attack the yeast and so its growth is not regulated.
Any single or combination of these elements provides the Candida yeast with the perfect breeding ground within the human body and results in you becoming sick.

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