sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013



Ozone is one of the most benefi cial substances on this planet!
What is Ozone?

It is formed by splitting oxygen molecules (O2) into atomic oxygen (O), which then recombines with the other oxygen molecules to produce ozone molecules (O3).
Where does ozone come from?

Nature. And nature is efficient. The new growth in the forests, the trees, the grass on your front lawn, and the plankton in the ocean are continually creating oxygen.

As you read this, the oxygen is rising up into the atmosphere to where the ozone layer is. In the region of the ozone layer, our rising oxygen is bombarded by the sun’s photo chemical energy in the form of ultra violet (UV rays). The UV energy bombardment changes the oxygen from O2 (two atoms of stable oxygen), into O3 (three atoms of unstable active oxygen). We call this pure form of oxygen, "ozone." The using up of the UV rays to create ozone is how the ozone layer shield us from their harmful effects. This is all part of the natural process of life on this living biosphere called earth.

Being heavier than the oxygen in the atmosphere, this newly created ozone falls back to earth, eventually giving us one atom of oxygen, it changes back to O2, and is immediately replaced by more rising oxygen which is also soon changed into ozone by the sun.The ozone falls to earth and is all around us purifying our water and air, decomposing bacteria, moulds and fungi. It is the fresh smell of laundry dried outdoors in the country. It is the fresh air at the seashore and the sweet smell of the air after a lightning storm. Lightning, also possessing photo chemical and electrical energy creates ozone as well.

It has been proven extensively that O3 will kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and moulds by attaching to them and oxidizing and eliminating them. (Oxidizing means to burn without giving off light or heat). These bacteria are lower life form organisms, and are mostly anaerobic. That means they can't live around activated oxygen/ozone. Ozone has been shown repeatedly to kill pathogens yet not harm nominal cells. This is because disease causing pathogens do not have any strong enzyme coatings to protect them, as do all the higher life forms like us.
Ozone vs. Chlorine

Increased environmental consciousness has resulted in an accelerated movement away from multi-chemical based water treatment. This has lead to a greater recognition of ozone as being the strongest, fastest, commercially available disinfectant and oxidant. Ozone oxidation reactions take place several thousand times faster than those of chlorine for destruction of bacteria, viruses, yeast, moulds, cysts, mildew, algae and most other organic and inorganic contaminants. Ozone in appropriate doses can treat all water-borne pathogens, while chlorine cannot (given practical, safe doses). Additionally, unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no harmful chlorinated by-products in the water and quickly reverts back to pure oxygen when unused. Ozone is more than 3,000 times faster acting and 2.5 times stronger than chlorine. Ozone does not contaminate available water supplies; automatically helping with efforts to preserve good quality water. Similarly the use of ozone in laundry greatly reduces operating, energy and water costs. Advancement of ozone-based technology to a safe, environmentally friendly, state-of-the-art approach has made the transition away from chlorine a comfortable one.

Advantages of Ozone
Replaces harmful chemicals or detergents such as chlorine. 
Being a gas it can penetrate inaccessible areas killing bacteria, viruses, germs, fungi and mould. 
Reverts back to oxygen in 20 minutes. 
Occupation immediately after disinfection. 
Purifi es air and water leaving NO chemical residue. 
Recycling of contaminated water for irrigation or drinking. 
What is Ultra Violet Irradiation? 
UVC light is germicidal i.e. it deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens and thus destroys their ability to multiply and cause diseases. 
Specifi cally, UVC light causes damage to the nucleic acid of microorganisms by forming covalent bonds between certain adjacent bases in the DNA. The formation of such bonds prevent the DNA from being unzipped for replication, and the organism is unable to reproduce, in fact, when the organism tries to replicate, it dies. 
Ultra violet technology is a non-chemical approach to disinfection. In this method of disinfection, nothing is added which makes this process simple, inexpensive and requires very low maintenance. 
Ultra violet purifi ers utilize germicidal lamps that are designed and calculated to produce a certain dosage of ultra violet. The principle of design is based on a product of time and intensity (You must have a certain amount of both for a successful design).

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